As the Green Towson Alliance (GTA) enters its fifth year, this volunteer group is celebrating the strides it has made in environmental advocacy and action since its inception in 2015. GTA has worked to increase open space in Towson, promote a greener local community and protect our environment. Across five years, GTA has planted 900+ trees in the local community, removed 9.5 tons of debris from local streams, cleared away invasive vines in numerous locations to restore native habitats and shared its Green Platform for Baltimore County with elected officials.
GTA was recently honored as “Citizen of the Year for Towson’s 5th District” by Baltimore County Councilman David Marks. This honor was bestowed on GTA for its four years of dedicated leadership in developing, fundraising and establishing Towson’s new Radebaugh Community Park.
Since 2015, GTA has created a visible presence in the Towson community as an environmental advocate that takes action to protect our environment and address climate change at the local level. It has sponsored a green speakers’ series at the Towson Library, launched letter to the editor campaigns and partnered with over 20 local groups, including boy and girl scouts and high school and college students, to plant trees, clean up streams and protect mature trees to promote a green local environment.
As GTA celebrates its 5th anniversary, it will be launching a special Be the Green Change campaign to encourage people to make changes in their lives that will benefit our planet. A number of initiatives will complement this campaign and GTA will offer information and ideas on ways people can live greener lives with simple lifestyle changes. GTA urges everyone to think green and fight climate change.