Green Towson Alliance (GTA) is made up of people from all walks of life who value the natural world around us and want to live in neighborhoods that include green space, clean streams, and canopy trees that shelter the wildlife and insects that keep our communities healthy. We are planners, accountants, physicians, architects, teachers, engineers, landscape architects, publicists, professional organizers, business owners, retirees, at home parents, financiers, fund raisers, and more.
Green Towson Alliance’s work runs the gamut from hands-on projects like stream clean-ups, tree planting, tree pruning, and habitat restoration to policy issues like green development standards, adequate public facilities, including sewer capacity, and preservation of mature trees. We also work to educate the public about environmental issues through programs like our annual Native Garden Contest and our social media presence. Finally, like any organization, we have administrative functions where our talented members participate.
Stream Clean-ups – spring

Help clean streams in the Towson area in the spring. We focus on Jones Falls and its tributaries, and Herring Run and its branches. You can be a Site Leader, Co-leader, or helper cleaning trash from the stream and its banks. You can also designate a new clean-up area or join others. Other helpful actions are distributing supplies or bringing refreshments.
Community Shade Tree Plantings – summer/fall

In the summer, help recruit homeowners in your neighborhood to have shade trees planted in their yards in partnership with Blue Water Baltimore. An experienced GTA member can help you reach-out online and in-person to inform neighbors of planting opportunities; discuss suitable tree species and locations; coordinate tree orders. In the fall, help teams plant the new trees in various neighborhoods. We have programs in Anneslie, Idlewylde, Historic Lutherville, Stoneleigh, West Towson, Rogers Forge, Glendale and more!
For more information, take a look at our article How to Start a Tree Planting Program
Habitat Stewards of Overlook Park (HSOP) – winter/spring

We manually remove non-native invasive (NNI) vines and plants that are harming the trees and habitat in Overlook Park at 1300 Overbrook Road. We meet every Wednesday 2:00 – 4:00 pm January – June. Every session begins with a brief meeting at 2:00 pm at the lower park parking lot to discuss the work for the day and provide training on NNI plant ID and removal techniques to any new members. Bringing your own gloves and tools is suggested, but a few are available to borrow. The group is sponsored by the Idlewylde Community Association Greening Committee and the Green Towson Alliance and is led by a certified Baltimore City Weed Warrior/Master Naturalist. Register at to volunteer with Habitat Stewards of Overlook Park (HSOP).
Homegrown National Park – spring/summer

The goal of this workgroup is to educate the public about the important role of native trees and plants in a healthy ecosystem. We hope to create a homegrown national park in Towson. In the summer of 2021, we organized a Native Garden Contest in Towson and the contest has become an annual event that this workgroup organizes.
Fourth of July Parade – summer

Green Towson Alliance has entered the Fourth of July Parade every year since 2016 (except during the pandemic in 2021). This is a really fun event where you can meet other members and share your enthusiasm for creating a greener, healthier more beautiful Towson!
Legislative Affairs – State (winter) County (intermittent)

Each year we choose several environmental bills to support that are coming before the Maryland General Assembly. We welcome help with reviewing bills, writing letters endorsing legislation at committee hearings and writing sample letters of support for our members to send. In 2023, we proposed the successful Maryland Native Plant Program legislation, found sponsors in both houses, created a coalition of supporting organizations and testified in support. We also work on local legislation that will advance environmental causes in Baltimore County.
Downtown Towson Greening – intermittent

We are creating partnerships with Baltimore County government, the Chamber of Commerce, the Greater Towson Committee and others to plant trees, improve walkability and introduce green management of stormwater in downtown Towson. Towson is now a Maryland Main Street affiliate, which opens up new funding and projects including grant applications.
Development – intermittent

We monitor development proposals and advocate for compliance with environmental laws and the Downtown Towson District zoning overlay (which contains sustainability and walkability guidelines). We advocate to strengthen the overlay and reform the development process. Knowledge of the development process is helpful, but we can teach you what we’ve learned. Design skills are helpful for suggesting alternatives.
Sewers – intermittent

This work group formed to study Baltimore County sanitary sewer capacity. Since the publication of our 2017 White Paper Is Raw Sewage Contaminating Our Streams? Analysis of the Jones Falls Sewershed we have testified before the Baltimore County Planning Board, County Council and met with representatives of the Maryland Department of the Environment about our concerns. Members of Green Towson Alliance continue to monitor the County’s progress in complying with the Consent Decree regarding sanitary sewage systems imposed on Baltimore County in 2005 and Baltimore City in 2002 with the goal of ending sanitary sewer overflows.
Social Media & Media Workgroup – continuous

This workgroup manages our Facebook page, and we’d like to expand our reach to people through other social media platforms. We feature information about current events and photographs and news about our projects, such as tree-plantings and stream cleanings. We also try to educate the public about important environmental issues.
The workgroup also interacts with print and video press and updates our website. We can use people with the following skills on this workgroup:
- Photography
- Writing: press releases, letters the the editor, newsletters, note taking
- Contacts in the media
Membership – continuous
We are in need of people to welcome new members, introduce them to the group and connect them to workgroups that interest them. We have established a neighborhood liaison program to connect GTA members within communities. This is rewarding work for outgoing folks and vital work for getting everyone involved in our mission!
Join Green Towson Alliance!
There are no dues to pay to join Green Towson Alliance. All you need is a passion to see your neighborhood – and Towson – become green and healthy. Use our contact form to join Green Towson Alliance. You’ll get your hands dirtyplanting trees, learn about best pruning practices, and keep your neighborhood streams clean…and meet some very interesting and fun people along the way!