Fewer Plastic Bags and Styrofoam Pieces, Hurray!  Green Towson Alliance helps with Stream Cleanups for the 9th year in a row

by Carol Newill Literally tons and tons of trash have been collected at sites along the Herring Run and tributaries to the Jones Falls in the 9 years that Green … Continue reading “Fewer Plastic Bags and Styrofoam Pieces, Hurray!  Green Towson Alliance helps with Stream Cleanups for the 9th year in a row”

Green Towson Alliance discovers sanitary sewer overflow below the Lake Roland Dam after heavy rains on Tuesday, January 9th

   Sanitary sewage debris at a sewer “stack” and its manhole cover lying on the ground were discovered on January 10 by a volunteer from Green Towson Alliance (GTA). The … Continue reading “Green Towson Alliance discovers sanitary sewer overflow below the Lake Roland Dam after heavy rains on Tuesday, January 9th”

Green Towson Alliance Calls for the Baltimore County Council to require an independent review of the information and methods Baltimore County Department of Public Works and Transportation (DPWT) uses to approve new development and a moratorium on approvals until new methods are implemented. 

Green Towson Alliance (GTA) and other advocates have challenged the sanitary sewage capacity in the Jones Falls Sewershed since 2016 and are convinced that raw sewage is fouling open waters … Continue reading “Green Towson Alliance Calls for the Baltimore County Council to require an independent review of the information and methods Baltimore County Department of Public Works and Transportation (DPWT) uses to approve new development and a moratorium on approvals until new methods are implemented. “

164 Volunteers Cleaned Out More than a Ton of Trash from Towson Streams this Spring

Volunteers from neighborhoods all over Towson helped to clean up 2,857 pounds of trash from tributaries of the Herring Run and Roland Run this spring as part of Project Clean … Continue reading “164 Volunteers Cleaned Out More than a Ton of Trash from Towson Streams this Spring”

Green Towson Alliance 2022 Year End Report

2022 was a banner year for Green Towson Alliance. We are pleased to have met many of our goals including planting trees in downtown Towson, helping community associations successfully plant … Continue reading “Green Towson Alliance 2022 Year End Report”

Volunteers Cleared Out 4.3 Thousand Pounds of Trash from Towson Streams This Spring

198 volunteers from neighborhoods all over Towson helped to clean up 4,300 pounds of trash from tributaries of the Herring Run stream in March and April. Green Towson Alliance organized … Continue reading “Volunteers Cleared Out 4.3 Thousand Pounds of Trash from Towson Streams This Spring”

Green Towson Alliance Announces Its Second Native Garden Contest

Green Towson Alliance is kicking off its 2022 Native Garden Contest, and any gardener who lives in a Towson neighborhood and incorporates native plants, trees and shrubs in their yard … Continue reading “Green Towson Alliance Announces Its Second Native Garden Contest”

Green Towson Alliance Asks the Baltimore County Council to Reject the Proposed Councilmanic Redistricting Map

Green Towson Alliance has sent this letter to members of the Baltimore County Council.   October 24, 2021 Baltimore County Council 400 Washington Ave. Towson, MD 21204 Dear Baltimore County … Continue reading “Green Towson Alliance Asks the Baltimore County Council to Reject the Proposed Councilmanic Redistricting Map”

Green Towson Alliance Calls For A Single Councilmanic District To Represent Towson

Green Towson Alliance has sent this letter to the Baltimore County Councilmanic Redistricting Commission  August 20, 2021 The Councilmanic Redistricting Commission 400 Washington Avenue Towson, MD  21204 Dear Councilmanic Redistricting … Continue reading “Green Towson Alliance Calls For A Single Councilmanic District To Represent Towson”