On April 13, during the Green Towson Alliance’s (GTA) 4th annual stream cleanup, Baltimore County Executive John A. Olszewski, Jr. visited one of the 11 stream cleanup sites to thank GTA for improving the environment of Baltimore County communities. Volunteers cleaned up local streams, removing trash and litter to restore the natural beauty of the streams and clean the water that flows to the Chesapeake Bay. Last year, GTA volunteers removed 6.75 tons of trash from local streams in Towson neighborhoods.
The County Executive visited the Radebaugh Neighborhood Park stream cleanup site and presented a citation to GTA, thanking this dedicated group of volunteer environmentalists for cleaning up local streams in the county for the last four years. He also presented a citation to Towson University, thanking its students for volunteering to assist with the stream cleanups every year.
In the citation, Olszweski thanked GTA “for the past four years of organizing stream cleanups at Herring Run at Radebaugh Neighborhood Park, among the 11 additional stream cleanup sites across the county that it has committed to improving. Your work ensures that Baltimore County will be preserved for countless generations to come.” He recognized GTA for its dedicated service to the County.
Over 200 volunteers, including Towson University students, Girl Scouts and, community residents and associations, PTAs, county and State elected officials and GTA members, cleaned up local Towson tributaries during the GTA stream cleanup.