The Green Towson Alliance: Basic Principles

Overall GTA shall work to build and maintain a coalition of environmental advocates to collaborate in achieving environmental goals in the greater Towson area. GTA advocates the protection and effective application of Baltimore County’s environmental regulations. GTA’s focus is on fostering a healthy natural environment in the Towson area, as described in the principles outlined below, but our concerns extend to broader issues directly affecting the health and welfare of Towson residents, such as air and water quality and community resilience to climate change. GTA supports both governmental and nongovernmental efforts to identify and correct […]

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Recommended Reading List

REFERENCE AND GUIDES Why Native Plants by Wild Ones: Native Plants, Native Landscapes Recommended Native Plants for Maryland by the University of Maryland Extension Audubon Society Plant Search  Maryland Butterflies photographs and host plants for Maryland butterflies Plant Invaders of Mid-Atlantic Natural Areas by National Park Service – U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service ARTICLES How Non-Native Plants Are Contributing to Global Insect Decline, Yale Environment 360, December 2020 What You May Not Know About Those April Flowers, New York Times, March 28, 2021 Recent Articles from Indigenous Landscapes Powerhouse Plants: UD researchers identify key native plants […]

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Towson’s Streams are Lovelier Than Ever in a Pandemic

I have enjoyed getting to know some of our streams, otherwise known as stormwater management channels, this Fall while working with our Green Towson Alliance stream cleanups. We first did the Herring Run branch from Towson High School, under the Aigburth Avenue bridge, northward to Radebaugh Park all the way up to near Burke Avenue. We GTAers also did a portion of the Herring Run branch behind the St. Andrews Lutheran Church on Taylor Avenue. I have explored a portion of the branch near my home that I had largely been unaware existed. Various sections […]

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Wash Laundry, Not Too, Much Hang Dry

By Anne-Marie Bonneau (With apologies to Michael Pollan for another riff of his quote, “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.”) Why Does She Keep Posting Pictures of Her Underwear? Every several months, I’ll post a picture on Instagram of my laundry drying outside on my drying rack. I hear two basic reactions. Americans: “OMG where did you get your drying rack? I’d love one like it.”Everyone else: “Why are you posting this?”In most of the world, hanging up clothes to dry is normal, non-Instagrammable behavior. Here in the US, where many home owners associations […]

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Thrifting – The Ultimate In Recyling

Thrifting is a great way to minimize waste, save money, and help save the planet. It is estimated that Americans throw away more than 68 pounds of clothing and textiles per person a year.  Thrifting can also be considered a sport. How can I get the best stuff for the fewest dollars? Anyone can dash into Nordstrom’s and pick up pants in three colors with the help of the ever-present salesclerk. Thrifting takes time, attention to detail, imagination, and perseverance.  With any luck, you too might win a “Thrifting Trophy” like a pair of Manolo […]

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Green Towson Alliance Green Platform for Baltimore County 2019-2022

Green Towson Alliance submitted its recommendations for Baltimore County’s long-term success as a healthy, safe, beautiful, liveable environment  to the office of the new county executive on November 26, 2018. The Green Platform lists action steps to create environmental sustainability, which it believes is a key determinate of the quality of life in Baltimore County. Environmental sustainability influences where people and businesses choose to locate, and impacts our tax base and budget in Baltimore County.  Read the full GTA Green Platform here:  Green Towson Alliance Green Platform

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Mid-Atlantic Native Trees

Canopy Trees AMERICAN HOLLY 40-50’ high, 18-40’ spread, Pyramidal shape This evergreen has captivated plant lovers since the days of the Pilgrims with its lovely red berries. It is a slow grower with spiky leaves and creamy grey bark.  It has a low to medium growth rate adding less than 12-24 inches per year.  Full sun or partial shade is best for this tree and it is drought tolerant.  Birds love to eat the red berries in winter, but multiple plants are needed to produce the berries. This tree is great planted in your yard.  […]

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Green Towson Alliance Monitoring Development Process in Towson

(By Janet Eveleth) A large group of Towson environmental activists has joined forces to create the new Green Towson Alliance. This non-profit collaborative coalition, comprised of local Towson area environmental volunteers, is already monitoring Towson’s development process in an effort to increase greenness and open space in downtown Towson. The Alliance, created in May, 2015, is moving quickly because key development decisions are being made now which will impact what Towson looks like in the next five to ten years.  It is targeting public policy regarding development in core Towson and other government policies that […]

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