Please click on the image for details on this year’s Spring Cleanups
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GTA Statement on 2023 Triennial Review of the Water Supply and Sewerage Master Plan
Green Towson Alliance (GTA) and other advocates have challenged the sanitary sewage capacity in the Jones Falls Sewershed since 2016 and are convinced that raw sewage is fouling open waters while more development is being approved. A network of pipes run alongside and under our streams to carry raw sewage from our homes and businesses to treatment plants. The state of Maryland has laws that require the conveyance of this waste to be safely contained within the sanitary sewer system. But in Baltimore County’s Jones Falls watershed, the size and condition of these pipes is […]
2023 Triennial Review Green Towson Alliance Executive Committee September 8, 2023 INTRODUCTION As described by the Maryland Department of Planning, “each county is required to prepare, adopt, and annually maintain, a 10-year forecasted Water and Sewerage Plan to demonstrate how safe and adequate water and sewerage facilities will be provided to support planned redevelopment and new growth.” Baltimore County’s plan is due this year for its triennial review by the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE). The plan first will be reviewed by the Baltimore County Planning Board and then referred to the County Council […]
Continue reading164 Volunteers Cleaned Out More than a Ton of Trash from Towson Streams this Spring
Volunteers from neighborhoods all over Towson helped to clean up 2,857 pounds of trash from tributaries of the Herring Run and Roland Run this spring as part of Project Clean Stream for the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay. Every year, Green Towson Alliance organizes these cleanups in Towson, and this year, nine cleanups were held in April. These youngsters helped look for trash in the Herring Run stream in Overlook Park. GTA members Kathleen Brady (pictured) and Diane Topper led the Wiltondale Garden Club cleanup in the Wiltondale Community. Some unusual items pulled out of […]
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