(By Janet Eveleth)
A large group of Towson environmental activists has joined forces to create the new Green Towson Alliance. This non-profit collaborative coalition, comprised of local Towson area environmental volunteers, is already monitoring Towson’s development process in an effort to increase greenness and open space in downtown Towson.
The Alliance, created in May, 2015, is moving quickly because key development decisions are being made now which will impact what Towson looks like in the next five to ten years. It is targeting public policy regarding development in core Towson and other government policies that impact Towson neighborhoods. The coalition is also educating Towson residents about protecting and preserving the environment in their communities.
Members of the Alliance plan to engender an environmental awareness in Towson neighborhoods. Volunteers of this proactive group have been instrumental in organizing tree plantings in many Towson neighborhoods as well as recruiting residents and community groups to assist in planting the trees. In West Towson alone, this effort has led to the planting of 226 trees, with another 44 slated for this fall. The Alliance has also been involved in stream cleanings and tree preservation projects.
The Green Towson Alliance includes active members from most neighborhoods surrounding downtown Towson, representing a large population of residents across the Towson area. Its volunteer environmentalists have pooled their collective experience, expertise, unique skills and knowledge to foster a greater appreciation and awareness of preserving the environment in Towson and work toward a greener, healthier, more beautiful local community.