Before You Build, Think About Your Trees!

Planning a construction project at your house? First, consider your trees. They provide you with beauty, shade, and higher property value, so try to plan around them if you can. Design your new room with a view of your tree and the bird house or the feeder and the squirrel’s acrobatics, and the ever-changing display of leaves and branches throughout the season. To preserve the trees you already have, protect the roots. Tree roots can be damaged easily in the process of home renovation. Weakened roots can lead to slow death for the tree that […]

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What Trees Are Worth

Worth any money to whom, you may ask? Worth money to your family: WORTH MONEY TO YOUR FAMILY AND YOUR NEIGHBORS’ FAMILIES Your tree improves our air quality by Your tree helps keep your basement dry, and those of neighbors downhill, and helps decrease those huge pools at our intersections by Consider the Willow Oak in our yard, planted 17 years ago. Measured at4 1/2 feet from the ground, 53 1/2 inches around, diameter is 17 inches(C = π d, right?). The Tree Benefit Calculator says it saves us $137 this year, and as it […]

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Don’t Mulch That Tree! And Other Tips

Shade Trees Help Make Towson A Desirable Neighborhood Trees increase property values, clean air pollution, control water run-off, provide shade which cools the whole neighborhood, and help create a lovely, vibrant community. So why do people hurt trees? Sometimes people are trying to do the right thing but do not know they are actually causing disease, die-back, and early death of trees. Tree Health Damaged By Mulch Please stop mulching around trees.  That is the advice of horticulturalists who are observing many young trees’ failure to thrive, with infections at the base of trees where […]

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