Where Do Our Storm Drains Lead?

Today I gathered the colorful fall leaves along the curb to put in my compost bin. Not only will I have black gold after the leaves decompose to rich soil, those leaves will also no longer be washed into our storm drains when it rains. It is illegal to rake or blow leaves into the street and this is why: The storm drains in our neighborhoods are piped to the nearest stream, then to the Herring Run, to Back River and ultimately to the Chesapeake Bay. Whatever goes into the storm drain goes into our […]

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How to Start a Tree Planting Program

Becoming your neighborhood tree steward can be a very rewarding experience.  Increasing or preserving the tree canopy improves the health and beauty of your community.  If you live in an older community, many of the established trees are nearing the end of their lives.  With a typical 40 years to maturity, now is the time to plant the mature canopy of the future. PLANTING TREES Blue Water Baltimore (BWB) has established a community tree planting program for street and yard trees in the following watersheds:  Jones Falls, Gwynn Falls, Baltimore Harbor and Herring Run.  They […]

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